★★★送料無料☆USA限定フランクリン Franklin CFX Pro USA Special Edition Batting Gloves Pair バッティンググローブ★★★☆★新品★左右両手1組で す。★☆☆☆\rアメリカ国内正規品です。\r\rお取り扱いサイズ;\r\rM;大人用(女性)\r\r\r★出品価格は左右両手1組辺りの価格になります。\r\r*他にもUSA Evoshield・Cutters製品出品しておりますのでよろしっかたらご覧下さい。\r\r\r\r\r仕 様;\rPRO CHOICE: As the official batting gloves of the MLB, the CFX Pro is the most popular on field batting glove used by MLB pros\rPREMIUM QUALITY: Constructed from premium quality leather, these gloves are designed to play at peak performance season after season with no tears or bunching\rNATURAL FIT: These gloves are made specially to fit the naturally curves of the hand to ensure that they fit comfortably and provide a responsive, natural feel\rCOMFORT: Tectonic fit inserts accommodate flex without adding bulk to the back of the hand\rALL SIZES: These gloves come in all youth and adult sizes so that you can pick the perfect fit for you\r.です。\r\r#WBCNBLダルビッシュ有大谷吉田オールスター\r種類...バッティンググローブ\r\r利き手・手袋特徴···右利き用\r\r利き手・手袋特徴···右利き用,左利き用\r\r利き手・手袋特徴···右利き用,左利き用,両手用\r種類...手袋